Besides his incredible acting skills, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is known for his large-heartedness and humble nature. Time and again, Akshay Kumar has won many hearts with his beautiful gestures and kind deeds. In yet another incident, it was revealed that the actor terminated his own contract for Delhi Capitals (Delhi Daredevils earlier) in 2009 to save the team from incurring huge financial losses.
This old incident was revealed by veteran administrator Amrit Mathur in his autobiography ‘Pitchside: My Life in Indian Cricket’.
Akshay Kumar Saved Delhi Capitals By Terminating His Own Contract
Not many are aware of the fact that Akshay Kumar was signed as a brand ambassador for three years (2008-2011) by Delhi Daredevils, however, the franchise didn’t make much profit during the year and they were eventually struggling to cope with the losses.
In his book, Amrit Mathur revealed: “Akshay signed a three-year deal with Delhi Daredevils to shoot promotional films, attend meet and greet events and make appearances at corporate events…”
He added: “Apart from Kotla act (he performed daring stunts), nothing much happened because DD didn’t know how to leverage him. At the end of the season, during an elaborate post-mortem held against the backdrop of serious financial losses, DD decided to cancel or renegotiate the contract.”
Further, Mathus explained how Akshay Kumar’s contract had no exit but rather provided him with guarantees for a period of three years. The Delhi franchise also approached Akshay’s staff to find a way to get out of this but to no avail.
However, when Akshay got to know about the financial struggles of the team, he himself told Mathur to end the contract. Mathur revealed that he met Akshay during one of his movie shoot in 2008 and revealed the whole situation. Mathur wrote:
“After the shot, we returned to his vanity van, and I very hesitantly explained the reason for my visit and outlined DD’s financial troubles. No problem ji, he said sympathetically. If it’s not working, let us close it. I thought I hadn’t heard him right. “Seeing my confused look, Akshay clarified slowly let us end this.”
Mathur was left shocked after the actor waived off such a huge contract. He revealed:
“When I mumbled about the most stringent contract clauses, he reassured me, No problem I will tell the lawyer.”
This is how Akshay Kumar saved Delhi Daredevils from financial troubles by terminating his contract when he could have sued DC and got more money easily.