An Open Letter To Glenn Maxwell

Dear Glenn Maxwell,

Well, very rarely would you see Indians going berserk at an Australian wreaking havoc in the Wankhede. However, times change, and so does admiration for an individual who defied almost impossible odds to remain out in the center and eventually break the shackles of conventions to fire home what was an absolute cracker of a knock.

So why are the Indians loving it? Because the appreciation for cricket is unparalleled in India. Secondly, what you did back there, I am telling you that is absolutely crazy crazy stuff. You know why? Because playing with a back spasm, playing with an injured hamstring, barely able to move, that is like defying the odds at an astronomical scale.

Glenn Maxwell came out to bat when the team was down and out. When I say down and out, they literally were nowhere to be seen. They never really thought that they can make it and probably another historic upset was in the making. Only if they had known what was in store for them.

When Pat Cummins arrived, I am still not sure about what was the discussion that you, Glenn Maxwell had with him but all I knew was that he was in for a marathon night and he was going to hang in there no matter what. You, on the contrary, come hell or high waters, you were supposed to bring the fire, fury and the magic to Wankhede.

It took you a while. It took you immense pain. It took you a mountain of impossibilities, it took you more than what one can ever conjure in the physical realm on the face of this planet and yet you stood there like a titan being subjected to stones flying from left, right and center.

You stood there like a hero who would be subjected to all sorts of physical pain and mental fear. Yet, you stood. You stood there like Atlas who knew the world’s fate relied on his shoulders. You stood there like Perseus who knew that even the Gods can’t stop you. You stood there like a young Zeus who was all set to confront his father in Kronos.

You were the true replica of a mindset that never knew to stop. The shots that you played last night felt like child’s play and yet with the bare minimum knowledge of cricket one can say they were no ordinary shots. Such brute force can only come from the wrist of the Gods and such impeccable timing on those down-the-ground hits, such classic smashing into all nook and crannies of the park, that could have only come from the Hulk and yet here you were delivering all of it.

Maxi, o, Maxi, I was truly amazed at what I saw last night. Believe me, I still don’t believe that you pulled off what seemed to be an incredible victory for the Aussies. I never will. But you know what I will believe? I will believe that you were meant to carve history. Such extra-terrestrial stuff can come only from you who doesn’t know how to stop.

Cricket has taught me my life and being honest, you taught me again to believe. Thank you Maxi for the full-blown entertainment. I will never forget the 7th of November again.

Yours sincerely,

A crazy cricket fan