Chennai Super Kings recently urged the BCCI during a meeting with the IPL governing council to reinstate an old rule for the 2025 auction. The request is aimed at allowing them to retain MS Dhoni as an uncapped player, a move that could significantly benefit the franchise. By bringing back this rule, CSK hopes to secure Dhoni without competing in the open market. Dhoni’s immense value to the team is well-known, and this rule change would ensure his continued presence in yellow. It’s a strategic move by CSK to keep their legendary captain onboard.
IPL 2025: How Much Money Will Ms Dhoni Lose If He Gets Retained As An Uncapped Player?
Under current IPL retention rules, an uncapped Indian player can be retained for INR 4 Crores. MS Dhoni, however, was retained for a hefty INR 12 Crores ahead of the 2022 mega auction. If Chennai Super Kings choose to keep him as an uncapped player, Dhoni could see his retention amount drop by eight crores.
MS Dhoni has stated that he will review the official rules and regulations of the upcoming IPL 2025 mega auction before deciding on his availability for the next season. Dhoni wants to understand the framework before making any commitments. Last season, he stepped down from the captaincy and passed the leadership to Ruturaj Gaikwad, signaling a possible transition.
His cautious approach to the upcoming auction rules shows that he’s considering all factors before making a decision about his future in the IPL. Fans will have to wait to see if the iconic player returns for another season.
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