Indian batting superstar Virat Kohli broke the internet with his latest post on social media where he hit the gym even on his off days. Kohli alongwith the rest of the Indian players are currently on a month-long break before they finally resume their bilateral ties and prepare for the upcoming ICC ODI World Cup 2023.
Kohli is known for his fitness and strict workout regime. In the video, he looks determined to get in shape before returning to the cricket field. Fans were once again left in awe of Virat’s dedication to fitness.
Several cricket experts and pundits have hailed Virat’s fitness levels, and the latest to hail Kohli is 2011 World Cup player of the series winner Yuvraj Singh.
Yuvraj Singh Hailed Virat Kohli For His Fitness
In an interview with Sports 18, Yuvraj Singh talked about fitness in the game and gave Kohli’s example. Singh remarked that Virat has a four times better work ethic than any sportsperson in the last 15 years. He said:
“I have seen Virat’s work ethic. I can assure you that he has four times better ethics than any sportsperson I have seen in the last 15 years.”
Recently, Kohli shared his first thoughts on the upcoming ICC ODI World Cup 2023 schedule which was announced in a special event in Mumbai on Tuesday, exactly 100 days before the tournament opener at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on October 5. Virat Kohli will once again play a key role in India’s quest to bring an end to the trophy drought.
Speaking about the upcoming ODI World Cup 2023, Kohli said:
“Personally, I’m looking forward to playing in Mumbai. It’d be great to experience that atmosphere again,”
He added: “I was quite young then. I saw what it meant to the seniors. I can understand what they went through and how special it is to play a home world cup and how excited they are going to be,”