In an engaging podcast hosted by Ranveer Allahabadi, the charismatic Yuvraj Singh recently graced the show, adding a dose of humor and wit to the conversation. The lively exchange between the two unfolded in a candid and humorous manner, showcasing the lighter side of the former cricketer’s personality.
As the conversation gained momentum, Ranveer couldn’t help but compliment Yuvraj, saying, “You are the most cool guy.” Yuvraj, known for his quick wit, responded in a playful tone, “You are straight right.” This playful banter led to an outburst of laughter, setting a jovial tone for the podcast.
Ranveer, not one to back down, playfully retorted, “I’m the most straight guy you will come across.” His straightforward claim was met with approval and more laughter from both parties involved. It was evident that the podcast was turning into a delightful exchange of humor and camaraderie.
Yuvraj Singh Trolled Ranveer Allahabadi In His Trademark Punjabi Style
Yuvraj, always ready with a clever remark, couldn’t resist and said, “Lag to nahi raha hai {Not looking like it},” leaving both of them in splits. The jovial atmosphere continued as both Yuvraj and Ranveer burst into laughter.
This entertaining banter between Yuvraj Singh and Ranveer Allahabadi in the podcast was a refreshing and lighthearted moment that left the audience in high spirits. It’s not every day that you get to witness two personalities from different fields engaging in such playful banter.
While Yuvraj Singh is celebrated for his remarkable cricket career, this podcast showcased his humorous side, proving that he is not just a sports icon but also a versatile and witty personality. On the other hand, Ranveer Allahabadi’s ability to engage with his guests and create an enjoyable atmosphere made this podcast a delightful experience for the listeners.
Yuvi paji didn’t even hesitate. 🌚
— Prayag (@theprayagtiwari) November 6, 2023