After India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi trolled Ravi Shastri by tweeting his style, Bhartiya Janta Party’s (BJP) national president Amit Shah was also not too far behind the PM in giving a humorous response to former cricketer’s congratulatory tweet.
Both, PM Narendra Modi and Amit Shah, showed their cricketing knowledge while replying to Ravi Shastri’s congratulatory message after BJP’s massive victory in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
The flamboyant cricketer turned commentator congratulated Narendra Modi and Amit Shah for their spectacular performance in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand assembly election.
Congratulations @BJP4India on the landslide win in UP. The pair of PM @narendramodi & @AmitShah went past 300-mark like a #TracerBullet
— Ravi Shastri (@RaviShastriOfc) March 16, 2017
Soon, Narendra Modi replied back to Ravi Shastri using his cricketing knowledge.
Thank you. UP polls did not quite go down to the wire. But, at the end of the day democracy is indeed the real winner! 🙂
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 16, 2017
Click NEXT to read Amit Shah’s reply!