According to a report published on Times Now, Anil Kumble has reportedly stepped down as the head coach of the Indian cricket team. This comes after a lot of drama. Initially, it was reported that Indian cricketers were not happy with Kumble’s style of working, and since then, we have heard many rumours do round on the internet.
It was also reported that Anil Kumble wasn’t happy with the Board of Control for Cricket in India’s (BCCI) decision to not renew his one-year long contract as the coach and inviting fresh applications.
Meanwhile, former India batsman, Virender Sehwag, has also applied for the position of the head coach of the Indian team currently in England to defend their Champions Trophy title.
More to follow…
NOTE: This is a developing story. In order to ensure correct representation of facts, the story will be updated as we receive more information about.