According to the latest reports of Cricbuzz, in a shocking move, Arjun Tendulkar, son of Sachin Tendulkar has enrolled himself in the IPL 2021 auction which is all set to happen on 18th February. Not only is it Arjun Tendulkar who has stunned the world with his surprise registration in the auctions but Sreesanth has also enlisted himself after completing his suspension in September.
Arjun Tendulkar has been incorporated in the auction at the base price of Rs 20 lakhs while Sreesanth found himself being tagged at Rs 75 lakhs. Junior Sachin is a bowling all-rounder who is primarily known for his left-arm seam bowling has also shown some control with the willow.
Arjun will have a tough phase going into this extravagant domestic contest because almost all eyes will be on him once he takes the field. The kind of support, love, and adulation that can come alongside the appellation ‘Tendulkar’ is still alien to the kid.
Irrespective of the fact that whichever team decides to splurge on Arjun, he will have to conjure something magical in his very first rodeo to live up to the billing that will come strapped on to his back.
Despite the wild entries of Arjun Tendulkar and Sreesanth, IPL will still be deprived of Mitchell Starc as the Australian pace bowling spearhead kept himself away from the auctions for another season.
Amongst other capped Indians, Kedhar Jadhav, Hanuma Vihari, Cheteshwar Pujara, and Harbhajan Singh will also be entering the contest for the audition.
In an interview with Cricbuzz, Harbhajan Singh quoted, “I am looking forward to the IPL, I am preparing hard for it. Even last year, I was keen on playing but because of the pandemic, I could not. “I needed to be around my family. At that stage I thought skipping IPL was the right decision. There is a lot of cricket left in me, very much. Fitness-wise, I am quite fit, I worked hard on my fitness during the lockdown. Unfortunately, I could not do anything (participate in the IPL). I am looking forward to being in the park again and doing what I can do best.”
Amongst other international players, Steven Smith, Mark Wood, Colin Ingram, and Moeen Ali will also be entering this war of overwhelming splurge. The IPL committee said that 4th February was the last date to sign players for the auction. A total of 1097 cricketers will be heading up for the auction which is assorted into 814 Indian players and 283 foreigners. The auction catalogue says that there will be 207 capped, 863 uncapped, and 27 associate players who will be put up for sale in the auctions.