West Indies’ swashbuckling batsman gifted a ‘Gold’ Spartan bat to the legend of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan. In a great gesture, Chris Gayle tweeted: “Proud to gift my Spartan bat to a legend @srbachchan, love his movies and his style, legend. Thanks @spartancricket.”
Amitabh Bachchan immediately posted a picture with the Spartan bat gifted to him by the CEO of Spartan on behalf of Chris Gayle. Big B tweeted: “Mr Chris Gayle…what an honour.. I never knew you would know me.. so humbled.. we are all great fans of yours!”
The Jamaican-born West Indian cricketer, who is known for his extravagant lifestyle, became the first man in world cricket to use a willow of that colour in 2015. Indian manufacturers Spartan, the makers of the new bat, earlier told IANS it did not give the flamboyant opener any special advantage and that the laws of the game have been adhered to.