Gautam Gambhir Slammed Delhi’s CM In His Trademark Fearless Style On Twitter: As the Delhi assembly elections are just around the corner, all the three political parties are trying their best to score more in front of the Delhiites. The political parties are leaving no stone unturned to impress the voters. A lot is happening in the city in the wake of the Delhi elections.
Recently, in a bribery case, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has arrested Dheeraj Gupta, who is a Delhi government official. The CBI claimed that the arrested person, Dheeraj Gupta has connections with Gopal Krishna Madhav, Officer on Special Duty (OSD) of Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia.
The CBI also alleged that Dheeraj Gupta was working as the middleman of Gopal Krishna Madhav. On 6th February, Manish Sisodia’s Officer on Special Duty (OSD) Gopal Krishna Madhav was taken under arrest and is being interrogated under the judicial custody. However, no talk of the role of the Delhi Government has been revealed.
As soon as this news came out, BJP leaders and supporters attacked the Aam Aadmi Party. Former cricketer and BJP Delhi MP Gautam Gambhir also took to his Twitter and slammed the Aam Aadmi Party in his own unique style. Slamming the CM and his party via his Tweet, Gautam Gambhir said:
Extreme regulation, cunning symptoms.
The one who pretends to be more polite than necessary is just as clever inside @ArvindKejriwal and @msisodia, who call the world thieves, could not recognize the robber in their own house ?? “)
Here, check out the Tweet:
अति विनयम, धूर्त लक्षणम!
ज़रुरत से ज़्यादा विनम्रता का दिखावा करने वाला अंदर से उतना ही चालाक होता है
दुनिया भर को चोर कहने वाले @ArvindKejriwal और @msisodia अपने ही घर में लुटेरे को ना पहचान सके??
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) February 7, 2020
Well, we really wonder what Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia have to say about this.