Indian Cricket Team have reached West Indies for the 4-Test series. Ahead of their first tour game, Virat Kohli and co are enjoying their time in Caribbean. Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) tweeted a picture of Indian cricketers, including captain Virat Kohli, playing beach volleyball. Before leaving for the tour, Indian cricketers also took part in Yoga and dancing sessions to enhance ‘Team Bonding’. India have a long summer ahead, with as many as 17 Tests scheduled to be played.
#TeamIndia members rejuvenate themselves with beach volleyball. Click here for more –
— BCCI (@BCCI) July 8, 2016
India will play four Test in their tour of Caribbean. The first Test will kick off on July, 21 at Antigua, with Jamaica, Gros Islet and Trinidad to host the remaining three matches. This will be India’s first Test at West Indies soil since 2011.