India’s off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin was today presented the prestigious Arjuna Award, which was conferred on him last year, by the Sports Minister Sarbananda Sonowal. Ashwin was not present during the Award Ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhawan on August 29, 2014 as he was a part of the India ODI team, which was touring England at that time. Ravichandran Ashwin has been India’s ace spinner and he is also the leader of India’s spin bowling attack across all three formats.
In the last two years or so, Ashwin has also improved his batting and contributed a lot with his bat, specially in Test cricket. Ravichandra Ashwin has taken 124 wickets in 25 Tests, 139 in 99 ODIs and 26 wickets in 25 T20 internationals.
Ashwin shared some pictures through his Twitter profile:
Received the award from the honourable minister of state(independent charge) Shri Sarbananda Sonowal.
— Ashwin ?? (@ashwinravi99) July 31, 2015
A proud moment in life.
— Ashwin ?? (@ashwinravi99) July 31, 2015