Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Swachh Bharat movement to shift the country’s focus towards a clean society with people’s participation on Gandhi Jayanti (October 2), 2014. And since then, he has been making moves and running campaigns to make Indian a clean and hygienic country.
PM Narendra Modi is a big admirer of Mahatma Gandhi and this is the reason why he chose his birth anniversary for this noble cause. Also, Mahatma Gandhi always believed in cleanliness through community’s participation.
Right from the day Swachh Bharat Mission was launched, PM Modi ha done a great job involving the celebrities in India, from all sects of the society. From businessmen to sportspersons, celebrities from all professions have come forward to contribute in the movement.
With Gandhi Jayanti approaching, Modi has invited India‘s Test vice-captain, Ajinkya Rahane, for a Swachhta Hi Seva campaign, and requested him to take some time out from his busy schedule and take part in Swachhta Hi Seva campaign. This is not the first time PM Modi has requested Indian cricketers to take part in his Swachhta mission. Earlier, the greatest Indian cricketer ever Sachin Tendulkar also took in the campaign and requested him fans to keep the surroundings clean.
During a Test match, the entire Indian cricket team took part in the campaign by cleaning the stadium and sending a strong message across to the fans. Modi sent a letter to Ajinkya Rahane, which was later posted by Maharashtra batsman on his Twitter profile, with this message:
“Respected @narendramodi ji. I’m truly humbled to receive this letter from you. It’s my honour to participate in SWACHHATA HI SEVA movement.”
Respected @narendramodi ji. I’m truly humbled to receive this letter from you. It’s my honour to participate in SWACHHATA HI SEVA movement. pic.twitter.com/cIvbzr4jTN
— Ajinkya Rahane (@ajinkyarahane88) September 22, 2017