In an interesting career shift, India’s swing bowler, Praveen Kumar, joined Samajwadi Party and entered Uttar Pradesh politics as a full time politician. Praveen Kumar, who plays Ranji Trophy for Uttar Pradesh, was once an important member of India’s bowling unit. Praveen Kumar represented India in six test matches and 68 ODI’s, where he took 27 and 77 wickets respectively.
All-rounder Praveen Kumar on Sunday joined the Samajwadi Party and heaped praises on Uttar Pradesh’s chief minister Akhilesh Yadav. Praveen said Akhilesh Yadav has done a lot for sportsmen and big stadiums are under construction at Lucknow and Saifai.
“I have met the Chief Minister and decided to join the party. I will do whatever is possible for the party,” Praveen Kumar told reporters.
Asked whether he would contest the state assembly polls, Kumar said, “I am a kid in this field. As of now I will try to learn it (politics).”