Earlier, we reported that Anil Kumble is likely to be prompted to post of Team India’s Director. Reports emerged on Saturday that Anil Kumble is likely to be elevated to post of India’s Team Director. This portfolio was previously held by Ravi Shastri in the absence of a regular coach.
It also being reported that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is planning to give Anil Kumble a bigger role which will cover senior, A side, junior as well as women’s teams.
Now, a report published on Zee News said that Rahul Dravid is likely to replace Anil Kumble as Team India’s head coach. We haven’t received any official statement from BCCI but Rahul Dravid is a frontrunner to replace Anil Kumble as Indian Cricket Team’s head coach.
It’s worth noting that BCCI are trying to replicate England and Wales Cricket Board’s (ECB) structure. If such a step is initiated, Rahul Dravid is expected to be promoted as the coach of senior team. He is currently the coach of India A and U-19 teams.