India’s swashbuckling batsman Suresh Raina got engaged today with his childhood friend Priyanka Chowdhary. The wedding will take place on April 3 at the Leela Palace hotel in Delhi. India’s star batsman and his girlfriend are also in Delhi and they are expected to attend Suresh Raina’s marriage.
Not more than 30-35 people were present during the engagement ceremony. The entire Raina house was decorated for the auspicious occasion. Suresh Raina was seen in a Red Kurta Payajama outside his residence.
Sources close to the cricketer informed that Suresh Raina’s father and Priyanka’s father have been colleagues at the Muradnagar ordinance factory. “They know each other from a long time, but it’s been six months since both of them have been serious about the relationship,” a source said.
Among the special guests, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav have also been invited. A senior BCCI official confirmed that the Board officials have also been invited.
“He decided to keep the news under wraps till the World Cup final, but yes he has informed his teammates about the wedding and the invitations have also been sent out,” a source close to Raina confirmed.
Raina has apparently told his teammates about the wedding and has informed some of his close friends about it as well. Some media reports are also suggesting that the invitations for the marriage have also been sent and many of his India and Chennai Super Kings’ teammates are also expected to attend the wedding.