Veteran Indian off-spinner, Harbhajan Singh, who tied the knot with Geeta Basra last year, has become the proud father of a baby girl. As soon as the news broke on social media, Harbhajan’s fans, colleagues and former colleagues wished him on Twitter and Facebook. As per a report, Bhajji’s mom has confirmed to a media house that the actress has delivered a baby girl at a London hospital. Harbhajan Singh was with his wife in London already and had also shared a picture confirming the same.
His former Team India mate, Virender Sehwag, who is in great form on Twitter these days, wished Harbhajan Singh in typical “Viru” style.
Congrats @harbhajan_singh & @Geeta_Basra on bcmng proud parents.Bhajji,maidan me to Baap pehle hi tha,ab Papa b ban gaye?
Blessings2NewBorn— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) July 28, 2016
Translation : “Bhajji, you were a father (Baap) on the field already, now you have become a father (Papa) in your life too.”