India’s swashbuckling all-rounder, Yuvraj Singh, has contributed massively to Indian cricket. Yuvraj Singh, in an interview with, said that Sourav Ganguly was the best captained he played under. Yuvraj Singh’s career flourished under the leadership of Sourav Ganguly and Yuvraj has time and again said that Ganguly played a big part in his career.
Yuvraj Singh said that Ganguly always backed him and gave him many opportunities to enhance his talent and skills at the international level.
“Dada ( Sourav Ganguly) always backed me”, said Yuvraj. “He just told me to play my natural game and play till the end,” Yuvraj Singh said.
“He just told me to play my natural game and play till the end.” And true to the advice he received, the 19-year-old Yuvraj did just that as he scored 84 and stayed till the end to help India post 265/9, which helped them win the game by 20 runs,” Yuvraj Singh added.