Virat Kohli, a legend of Indian cricket, recently made waves when he unfollowed the popular Punjabi artist Shubh, who lives in Canada. This comes after Shubh posted a skewed map of India that has now caused a stir online. In India, the photograph sparked widespread indignation because it was used to suggest that Shubh supported Khalistani separatists.
Kohli, who was a fan of Shubh, had earlier posted his likings for him. Now, Kohli seems to have cut off all digital communication with Shubh after going through his story.
Kohli’s choice to stop following Shubh is an emphatic display of his devotion to India’s integrity and togetherness. By publicly separating himself from a person who has been accused of anti-national and separatist activity, Kohli has performed as a model Indian citizen.
Shubh’s Instagram stories have consequences beyond the realm of social media. Mumbai, where a Shubh concert was slated for September 23–25, erupted in violence. The original plan called for him to participate in the Cordelia Cruise’s Cruise Control 4.0 event. The Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM), however, raised concerns, saying that Shubh supported Khalistanis.
The events that followed Shubh’s contentious story demonstrate how delicate matters like India’s territorial integrity and national symbols are. Given the historical and geopolitical backdrop of the Khalistan movement, accusations of backing Khalistani separatists are extremely dangerous.
Moving on to Virat Kohli’s recent cricketing exploits, he has remained a formidable force in ODIs. His 47th century in ODIs came in his most recent innings of 122* against Pakistan, further cementing his place as one of the game’s all-time great batters.
Kohli and KL Rahul put on a fantastic batting display with their 200-run partnership in the match against Pakistan. India reached a dominant total of 356 runs because of their outstanding effort, giving their opponents a mountain to climb and finally winning the game by a hefty margin.
Finally, the drama surrounding Virat Kohli’s decision to unfollow Shubh on Instagram shows how sports, politics, and social media all intertwine in today’s globalised world. The uproar over Shubh’s story is a timely reminder of the spheres of influence and effect that sports celebrities like them can have. Meanwhile, Kohli’s achievements on the cricket pitch continue to captivate spectators and establish him as a true legend of the sport. The dynamic nature of the globe is reflected in these tales as they develop; actions as seemingly innocuous as clicking the “unfollow” button may have far-reaching consequences. By speaking out against anything that may compromise India’s unity, Kohli has shown what it takes to be a real Indian.