Recently, Dwayne Bravo left the IPL. The West Indian, who took the most wickets during the competition, finished the event on a high note. Bravo just recently surpassed Lasith Malinga on the list. In 161 games, the right-arm medium-pacer took 183 wickets. Yet his track record is undoubtedly under jeopardy. This could be defeated as soon as the IPL 2023. In light of this, we now examine four bowlers who have a chance to surpass Dwayne Bravo as the IPL’s top wicket-taker.
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— Chennai Super Kings (@ChennaiIPL) December 2, 2022
1) Yuzvendra Chahal
Matches: 131 || Wickets: 166 || Economy: 7.61
One player who has the potential to surpass Bravo’s mark in the upcoming season is the Indian leg-spinner. Chahal needs 16 more wickets to unseat Bravo. Last year, the cricketer for the Rajasthan Royals won the Purple Cap, and if he has a similar season this year, he might lead the list in 2023.
It’s been a while since I’ve been here, but I’ve been having a lot of fun. Additionally, he has significantly influenced the game by taking the majority of wickets in the middle overs. Chahal might become the first cricketer in IPL history to record 200 wickets.
2) Jasprit Bumrah
Matches: 120 || Wickets: 145 || Economy: 7.39
Jasprit Bumrah is one of the bowlers who can beat Dwayne Bravo as the leading wicket-taker of the IPL. It is fitting that India’s best T20 bowler is at the top of the list when it comes to being the leading wicket-taker of India’s premier T20 tournament.
Although experienced, Bumrah is relatively young. He still has, at least, a decade of IPL cricket left in him. While he would easily overtake Bravo’s record in a few seasons, Bumrah would also set sights on increasing his lead further. The likes of Rashid Khan would compete with Bumrah in this regard. That said, for a death bowler who is as talented as Bumrah, wickets usually come in heaps. If this happens consistently for a few seasons. Bumrah might reach a point wherein it becomes hard for the bowlers of this generation to overtake him.
3) Rashid Khan
Matches: 92 || Wickets: 112 || Economy: 6.37
Ever since he made his IPL debut in 2017, the Afghan spinner has taken more than 17 wickets in each season. While he may not break Bravo’s record immediately, he surely is a contender to dominate this list for a long time.
Importantly, Rashid is just 24 years old. If he plays like Bravo until he turns 39, that would be 15 more years of IPL cricket. By just calculating on average, Rashid would add around 250 wickets more to his tally, assuming he would remain in the same form. Unless someone else in his vein starts playing in the IPL, Rashid is all set for some long-term records in IPL.