The Little Master, on the occasion of the 75th Birth Anniversary of “Shahansha” of Bollywood, Amitabh Bhachchan, recalls a memory both sweet and embarrassing. Sachin recalls how a one and a half years of age, Arjun Tendulkar wiped his hands on Amitabh Bachchan’ s Kurta once after Arjun had an orange. Sachin says that he was so embarrassed that he did not know where to look.
We would rather call it a sweet memory between the man who has been a metaphor to an era in the Bollywood and Arjun Tendulkar who then was all about naïve innocence. This isn’t anything to go by the definition of embarrassing even though we understand that Sachin Tendulkar who left bowlers red faced must surely have been left red faced at the sight of Arjun making a cleaning clothe out of Sir Bachchan’s Kurta.
Both Sachin and Amitabh Bachchan are masters from their own fields and they have a high end mutual appreciation for each other from the virtue of glorious careers they have had in their respective fields.
Both of them are good friends and are often spotted enjoying each other’s company at certain high profile events and meets and hence given this warm bond between the two Master Blaster shared this memory on the 75th Birthday of Sir Bachchan. The relish each other’s presence and that affection is more than evident.
Sachin recalls how he and Amitabh Bachchan were shooting for a commercial when this happened. In between the shots Arjun was sitting on their laps and after he finished eating his orange he did not spare a thought before he made a tissue out of Amitabh Bachchan’s Kurta. Sachin says, “I did not know where to look, I was so embarrassed”
Sachin also got nostalgic about a Lata Mangeshkar performance with Amitabh
Sachin also recalled a certain performance where in the singing sensation, Lata Mangeshkar was singing a song from the movie ‘Silsila’ and Big B featured with her on the state to take care of the dialogues recitation. “Ye kaha aa gye hum” was the song which is a golden melody across years, unmatched and immortal!
He was rather nostalgic in sharing his experience of being a witness to that moment and enjoying it to the core sitting with Rekha. He also confessed that while he was young he watched every Big B movie for just the sake of it and that he has always been a fan of his fine display of acting across different roles.
By Divesh Gill